Netley Common Path-laying

Event Details

This event finished on 05 May 2021

HCS Southern Sites team are making a big investment in paths this year. This is our first opportunity to contribute to improving access for this team. Task leader Geoff.

A small team will engage in fencing repairs, replacing rotted posts, so that cattle can be brought on site to graze the common later in the year. Martin will have his new tractor to do the heavy hauling and has a ride-on roller. No wheelbarrows required. Ben has already been on site with his digger to scrape away intrusive grass at the path margins. Guys with shovels and rakes will level the hoggin to a gentle camber ready for rolling.

All work to be undertaken under prevailing Covid19 precautions.

For week 2 parking please drive down the yellow track and park inside the boundary fence as shown with the yellow P in the illustration  below.

For week 2 the illustration below shows in red the second section of path to cover with another 60! tonnes of hoggin.  The main fence work area is shown in orange. This will take most of the manpower. Purple and blue show the area worked in week 1.

Week 1 photos below.

Raking hoggin on a path prepared by Ben

Heavy equipment has its part to play on Netley Common.

Rolling the path


Post driving tag team. 5 whacks and change.

Continuation from week 1

30 tonnes laid in week 2.

The last load of the day going down.

The workers hard at it.