Photo Gallery

Work types. Here in this paragraph are links to mini galleries which show a range of images representing the main types of work we do. Click on these work-type links to see    Construction work,    Felling and scrub clearance     ,   Fencing   ,   Gates  ,  Hedge-laying  ,  Paths   ,   Bonding , Planting

  1. Historical images. The remainder of this page contains a long record in pictures of much of the work of our group back to 2015. Under some photos there is a link to the work description page where more photos of that work have been added at the foot of that page.

Click on an image for a larger view …

Mercury Marsh rotational Reed burning. February 2025. Task photos

Ganger Farm hedge layed, February 2025 Task photos


Manor Farm shelter erection.


Just 2 of the 20 guys on site at Hinton Ampner putting in over 1200 tree guards.


Chawton, January 2025.


Stacking a big bonfire. Wendleholme December 2024. Last job of the year, with BBQ lunch and a heavy load of cakes and biscuits.


Chawton House. Brambles cut and cleared , ready for collection.


Hampshire Hedge laying, December 2024. other task photos


Old codgers take a lunch break.   task photos


Extension to the shelter that we built 10 years ago at Manor Farm. Task photos here


Brambles cut back and cleared to make a broad vista (till next spring). Prior’s Hill Copse.


Bare earth revealed as a natural seed bed at Twyford Waterworks. October 2024.


Much brash was dragged to the track to be chipped. RHCP, September 2024.


Understorey cleared below the oaks. IVCP.


John and Dennis trim a felled pine tree. Number 2 for the day. Peewit Hill, August 2024.

More photos at Peewit Hill


Happy to get an early finish. Megan Green August 2024.


We did this! Manor Farm


Progress with earth auger and post driver.


Manor Farm.  Progress photos


Looking through the rabbit underpass. Manor Farm. July 2024.


Tom and Dave reach the end of the line. Selborne.


A remnant of remaining fence in burned-out gorse at Hook seashore.


Manor Farm, 3 roof extensions.

18 Task photos!

Manor Farm raised platform. April 2024.


Megan Green April 2024


Employee of the month!   More Megan Green photos.


You can see where we’ve been on a wet day in Wendleholme.


Mercury Marsh, March 2024 other task photos


A group of workers. Chawton. February 2024. More photos.


Royal Victoria Country Park fencing in the rain.


Brash stacked over Hazel stools in the hope of giving some protection from deer. RHCP February 2024.

Lots of photos here.

Looking North after lunch. Sandy Point.


One of our mechanised divisions retiring for break at Itchen Valley Country Park.More photos on the task page


Clearing the path for our sponsor, Sponder’s Mede, Jan 2024. More photos.


Excavated root balls piled up near the fire on Netley Common January 2024. More task photos


The first of several brash piles. IVCP January 2024


Chawton House. Felled Ash tree. January 2024.


A large wet site with 2 bonfires. Netley common December 2023. More photos on the task page


Cleared path. But still full of puddles. Hook Common. December 2023.


Teamwork to the fore! Manor Farm,  December 2023. More images.


Feeding the fire at Twyford Waterworks,  November  2023.


Start of day with barbed wire lost meters behind the brambles.


IVCP clearance and oak log clear-up. October 2023. More photos


Bishop’s Waltham Moors, September 2023More task photos


Hook Park Road fence line cut-back September 2023

Lots more images

so lets get started ..


and get rid of the brash


It seems a shame that so much of “conservation” consists of cutting back natural vegetation, carbon release and atmospheric pollution & warming.


It was a hot day. Volunteers and rangers pitching in together.


Sample of cleared area, Sandy Point, August 2023. Task photos.


Everyone busy at Megan Green.

Photos for 2 weeks here

Ben scraped off turf then helped fill barrows. More images


Workman’s Lane August 2023. Extreme stoney soil.




Barnfield, pathway cut in through the trees.


Looking down to the stream. River Hamble Country Park July 2023.More task photos


Fence repairs at Hacketts Marsh July 2023


Just look at them down there! Manor Farm June 2023. More photos.


Hayling Island fence and gatepost, done. June 2023.


Close-up of a post. Hayling Island summer 2023.


Digger taking the load, Megan Green May 2023.More photos on the task page


Outer and inner fence complete. Total 300m installed and one gate.More photos on the task page


Workman’s Lane outer fence line, May 2023.


The gate team. Stage 1 done.  More photos on the task page


IVCP APRIL 2023 More photos on task page


Mending fences RHCP March 2023.More photos on the task page


Digging hole for new fence post, Selborne.


One of our teams hard at work planting, Manor Farm, March 2023.


Dennis (and Geoff) doing Monday woodwork cutting beams and planks from oak trunks.


Large area of brambles and birch cleared at Wendleholme February Lots of photos


Prior’s Hill Copse after our clearance work. February 2023.


After 2 winters these steps down a muddy slope are still in excellent condition. RHCP.


Look what we did! RHCP February 2023.  More photos


Megan Green dream team. 66m of new pathway done over 2 weeks. January 2023.More photos


Frosty morning at Megan’s Green. All hard at work. January 2023.


A group of happy chappies enjoying the cold countryside conservation challenge.


Alpha Labs people getting involved. Warsash December 2022. More photos on the task page


Shelter 4. Took 5 guys 5 hours!


Layed hedge RHCP November 2022


Very wet under foot


Reduced team got the binders on 25m of layed hedge at RHCP.


At Manor Farm shelter 2 took 6 men 6 hours …
How long will shelter 3 take?


Close-up on neat style.More photos


End of day 1. Hinton Ampner, November 2022. More photos


Starting point for shelter assembly. Manor Farm October 2022. More photos.


Broad expanse of the cleared glade. Chawton October 2022. More photos


Hard at it in Itchen Valley Country Park,  Ashtrim site.Progress photos


Our pigstys inhabited at Manor Farm.


Morning, day 1. BW Moors. September 2022 More photos


Cleared. With good firewood left to enrich the soil from whence it came. IVCP. More photos


One of the fence lines installed at Botley Wood, August 2022. More photos


Cutting back along the path. Chawton. August 2022. More photos


The nest boxes we made during lockdown in December 2020. Decorated by a local school.

Now installed in Kite’s Croft. 



Fencing mesh installed. Manor Farm, August 2022.


Adding ship-lap cladding and a corrugated roof. Many more photos


Total of 66m layed over 2 weeks at Megan Green.  More photos here.


Barry smoothes the path with a whacker stick. Week 3 on the Toplands path.


Bernie and Iain supervised the grading team.   More photos


Working in teams, making good progress. RHCP June 2022.


A bench in the shade, to sit on or lean on. Chawton.More photos


Some tree trunks are beyond our capability, Chawton House, June 2022.More photos


Cleared debris from and dug out a ditch. RHCP June 2022. More task photos


Refurbished and strengthened. Selborne. May 2022


End of the job. Give me a tool to rest on.


Refurbished steps at Selborne, May 2022.Further photos here


Coffee-time on a damp day that got wetter. Itchen Valley Country Park May 2022


Turning the corner. IVCP.


Workmans Lane #1


Workmans Lane #2


Manor Farm orchard with tree guards.


Hacketts Marsh #2


Hacketts Marsh #1


Kevin applies last staples of the day and Rod squelches off with wet wellies.


Looking East. Hook with Warsash coastal reserve.


Nearly finished. 3 years and 15 visits to re-fence the whole field.  More photos


Hinton Ampnor, layed hedge. More photos


Extended cone cover over Hazel coppiced stool.More photos


Most of the guys in front of the bonus hedge, Manor Farm.


After a challenging task briefing progress is being made at Manor Farm. February 2022.Progress photos


Making planting holes and planting two young Hornbeams. Manor Farm. More photos


Tree line cleared of scrub. Manor Farm, February 2022.


Mechanised removal of arisings. Manor Farm ,January 2022. More photos


Preparing a hedge for laying, RHCP January 2022


View from the right.


View from the left.


A large bonfire of damp willow logs. Hamble Common, December 2021.


Bonfire slow to start on Hamble Common, December 2021


Shorter section finished. Pitt Down December 2021. More photos


Smile? I’m busy! More photos


Progress at lunchtime, week 1 at Workman’s Lane.  See more photos


Harvest of Hazel binders. One of several piles saved from the fire. Crab Wood December 2021 More


The thinned hedge, ready for next visit.  More photos


A hedge we first layed 10 years ago. RHCP November 2021.


1 down and looking good, 16 to go at Twyford Waterworks. Progress photos


Sponders Mede gets a new set of dragon’s teeth.


Willow thicket can now be seen through at the end of day 2.


Bishops Waltham Moors. Cutting back the old Willow. More images here


After decades of service Rod resigns as chairman. Tom presents a cherry-wood fruit bowl he turned from timber recovered during clearance at the Barnwood carpark. Well done both.


Full turn-out for Twyford Waterworks and AGM. All sitting comfortably and Peter shows a leg.


Fixing barbed wire near the end of day 3.


Shawford Down 2021 – end of day 2


IVCP clearing in progress.


Wicor site maintenance August 2021. More photos here


Kevin takes the strain of being watched, Itchen Valley Country Park August 2021.


Tipping and whacking in progress RHCP August 2021. More photos


100m of barbed wire fence replaced at Wicor


The long straight section was very muddy. July 2021. More photos on the event page.


9 guys watch 1 add the finishing touches at BW Moors


The view from knee-high. More photos here.


8 Barn Owl boxes we made as volunteering at home during lockdown3.


The view from the top. June 2021.  See the task page for many more photos.


Basic slog moving hoggin at RHCP June 2021


Finishing the new gate at Western CEPrimary School. June 2021. More images.


A fiddly manoeuvre with legs in holes


Fence line re-staked. Speltham Down, May 2021.  See also


Netley Common April 2021. See also    More photos


The nest boxes we made at home in December 2020. Decorated.


Itchen Valley Country Park. Job done. See also  More event photos


Franchises Lodge April 2021. See more at  task photos


Shakespeare Infant School mid April 2021. See also Progress photos


Rain and mud could not dampen our enthusiasm at Manor Farm December 2020.  See also more mud but less wire


Products of volunteering at home during lockdown2


Keeping our distance in the wet wet wet. IVCP October 2020


One of 2 recovered gates donated by HCS. With access ramp.


Always a bonfire. Sponders Mede.


Bishops Waltham Moors. See where we’ve been and more photos


No prizes for fitting twisted gates.




Manor Farm. Make do and mend. Sept 2020


Netley common looking good after clearance work over last winter. The only ‘natural’ heath with heather in Southampton.


The big stretch. Steve working under strain.


Royal Victoria Country Park progress against the odds and terrible soil.


85m of Wicor fence completed in Monday overtime.


Wicor, work in progress. New and old side by side.


Working and social distancing.


Heading home, stalked by covid-19


Tom’s log pile. Sad end for an old oak.


Steve works on a fallen oak bough hung up in a young tree.


Brush cutters, hard at it.


Stepping up to the challenge.

Gate 2.

It’s always well hung with Dennis on the job.


Rod adds finishing touches to Brian and Barry’s steps.


Not so easy to see where we’ve been on this weeded bank.


Like lizards, warming themselves on a sunny bank at Claylands.


Twyford Waterworks


Always a fire.


Where we’ve been, not a bramble to be seen.


Didn’t we do well! 160m thinned out and layed over 4 visits.


The last branch goes down.


January 2020


starting scrub clearance at Claylands


Burning the cleared scrub at Claylands


Doughnut eaters at Manor Farm


Trying to return to open heath at Netley Common at the end of 2019.


Wide open spaces don’t just happen.


A fence and a fire(2) at Wendleholm

December 2019 on the way to Manor Farm.


Thinning out the mature hedge


Cold and wet but still working.


Tidying the finished hedge, Hinton Ampnor 2019


Preparation work for hedge laying.


Green area 1200 sqm October 2019.        Yellow area 980 sqm in 2018.


Hard at work fetching and burning


Teamwork – joint firewatch. Bishops Waltham Moors October 2019.


Don’t turn your back on a falling tree.


Sponders Mede early Autumn


Clearing up boardwalk at Kite’s Croft


Improved bridge access at Kite’s Croft


Lining up for the hokey cokey, Hayling.
The attempt at group telekinesis made post driving no easier.


Many hands make link work


I’m sure that that’s a dinosaur footprint.

Glyn & Roly put the lid on.

Redefining the boundary along the stream in Durcombe's Copse.

Redefining the boundary along the stream in Durcombe’s Copse.


Structure after 2 days


Bridge completed week 4




Testing the Bridge


Steps to Bridge


Where did you get that lovely sun hat? It’s a good match for my jumper.


Wrestling through flint and ancient iron slag outside the blacksmiths shop.


Male bonding in full swing (with apologies to Barry) at Manor Farm.  May 2019.


Martin’s work style holds 10 volunteers spellbound.


Give us a kiss, but no tongues!


“To me.” “To you.” It seemed so easy when the Chuckle Brothers untangle wire on YouTube.


Fence erection, still at the floppy stage.


MondaysRextra gate replaced.


The wrong way and right way to lift a heavy load.


Kissing gate in its new home.


An opening for a kissing gate


kissing gate in old location


Wicor path 2018


Progress. 2019


Short Lythe footpath repairs for NT


Short Lythe Kissing Gate for NT


Short Lythe footpath repairs for NT


Short Lythe Gates for NT






Four fine fellers fixing a fence


Itchen Field, end of day 1. Total of 340m worked on over 2 days. February 2019.


Hinton Ampner Itchen Field, work in progress.


After. Stacked as a dead hedge.


Before clearing invading saplings from pasture land. February 2019.


… never known to sit on the fence.
Mainwarings hedge and ditch defences coming along.
Somehow I’m reminded of the Tiller Girls!


Tuesday overtime


The group was unanimous in its choice of Mr January for the WCV Calendar.


Hedge Laying Hamble CP


January 2019


..  now where did I put my keys?




You can see where we’ve been. Jan 2019. After 4 visits.


Spot the holly – in the dead hedge.


Adey gets the silly hat prize amidst strong competition.  Chowtime for the troops as an Elf looks on.


On the fourth day of Christmas
My true love sent to me
Four muddy ducks
Three life jackets
Two Bundles of faggots
And a rowboat on the lake.


The highest form of pond life – Derek, Peter and Mike rest on their laurels during the duck pond clearing at Manor Farm.
Meanwhile Mrs W looks high and low for her marigolds.


Duck Island Volunteers get to work


Manor Farm Man Shed


12:37 departure from duck island


Bernie wears ear protection


After scrub clearance from the island and far bank


Start of day


Clearing scrub between the trees. Another turnout of 20 guys.


Seven guys give support and encouragement as Rod works. November 2018.


Yellow areas cleared, 980sqm, at The Moors October 2018


Feeding themselves


Feeding the cows


Feeding the fire


Enjoying the best of Hampshire’s countryside.


Good turnout at Twyford despite the rain


4 of WCV joined with Titchfield Haven volunteers to finish the hedge laying. 16.10.2018


Petrol power beats pensioner power (just) when the going gets tough.


Week 2. All hard at it on another fine October day


Bernie and Dave tend fires while the rest rest after a very hot morning – in October.


A big patch cleared and carried away to be burned at Browndown. Week 1.


Titchfield Canal Hedge Sept 2018


Titchfield Canal Hedge Sept 2018


Ah, there it is, at Sponders Mede.


There should be a pond down here somewhere!


The final 80 meters


This will keep them safe


Absolutely vertical – nice work.


Side 3 completed in Friday overtime.


Pond Viewing Platform nearly done


The Pier being constructed


The Pond before we begin. August 2018


Disabled access path for Titchfield Haven


Titchfield Haven Path


Fencing for Royal Victoria Railway


Mind the Train. July 2018


Volunteers on the Line


More volunteers on the line


Child safety barrier for Winchester school


Fencing on Hinton Ampner estate


Taking shade at the end of a hot day at Hinton Ampner


Fence alongside Creek House, Hook


New Fence alongside Creek House, Hook


Hard work and a long way to haul hoggin


Resurfacing Path at Hatch Grange


2 Gates for Titchfield Canal path. May 2018


15 of the usual suspects at the end of a day at Selborne.


Burning Brash at Sponders Mede


Woodland clearance at Sponders Mede


Barnfield, clear view all through. 9/12/16 – 4/4/18


Job complete and cleared away. See StreetView for ‘before’ images.


Renewed fencing at Speltham Down


Teamwork gets the job done


Gate 2 completed by the MondayExtra crew


Erecting a steel gate at Botley Wood


Creating a dead hedge at Botley Wood


Reed burning at Mercury Marsh


Reed burning at Mercury Marsh


Reed burning at Mercury Marsh


Burning brash with panache at Chawton


Thinned Copse at Chawton. January 2018


Lumberjacks at Chawton – and we’re OK.


Barbecue at Botley Wood. Dec 2017


First coppicing cut of trees at Botley Wood


Removing brash at Botley Wood


Brash to be chipped for Manor Farm


HCC provides lunch at Botley Wood


Stakes for hedge during instruction day


Completed Hedge Titchfield Haven


Thinning Hedge Line Titchield Haven


Hedge Laying Titchfield Canal


Privett Church BEFORE


Privett Cemetery AFTER


Privett Church BEFORE. November 2017.


Laying Hedge Selborne


Hedge Laying Selborne


Fencing at Western School. August 2017


Hanging wire on fence Western School


Coppicing at Western School


Installing Western School Fence Posts


Manor Farm Deer Fence Hide


Auger Drilling post hole – Newton Rd


Aligning fence with new gate – Newton Rd


Driving fence post – Newton Rd


Straining livestock fencing – Newton Rd


Attaching fittings to gate at Manor Farm


Installing gates at Manor Farm


High fencing posts for Manor Farm


Edging path for Otterbourne School


Willow Cross fence at Otterbourne School


Edging Path for Otterbourne School


Cricket Pavilion lunch – Hinton Ampner


Digging Post Hole at Hinton Ampner


New Fence Strainer for Hinton Ampner


Hinton Ampner


Hedgelaying at Manor Farm


Hedgelaying at Manor Farm


Chawton Trailer Challenge !


Thinning Copse at Chawton


Burning Cuttings at Chawton


Warsash Rhododendron Clearance AFTER


Warsash Rhododendron Clearance BEFORE


New Equipment


Team Bonding


Mercury Marsh – Before


Mercury Marsh Reed Burning


Reed Burning Mercury Marsh


Pleaching the Hedge Titchfield Canal


Tichfield Canal Before


Titchfield Canal after


Staking the Hedge Tichfield Canal


Hook and Warsash Nature Reserve


Clearing Rhododendrons at Hook


Hook & Warsash Nature Reserve


Clearing Rhododendrons at Hook


Barnfield Carpark. Started Dec 2016

West Down Chilbolton

West Down Chilbolton


Burning Brambles at West Down

Burning Brambles at West Down


Coppicing at Megan Green

Coppicing at Megan Green


Coppicing at Megan Green, West End


titchfield 004

Repairs to Titchfield Haven Canal Bank


titchfield 001

Dog Dips closed along Titchfield Canal


Fencing Pond at Hacketts Marsh

Fencing Pond at Hacketts Marsh


Cowes Lane Corral

Cowes Lane Corral


Digging Trench for Fox Proofing Wire

Manor Farm digging trench for fox proofing


Manor Farm attaching wire mesh to cage.


Hardstanding at Gull Coppice

Hardstanding at Gull Coppice


Holly removal in Priors Hill Copse

Holly removal in Priors Hill Copse


Seating area in Wildlife Garden

Seating area in Wildlife Garden


Otterbourne Primary School Owl Centre

Otterbourne Primary School Owl Centre


Hanging Gate

Hanging Gate



Otterbourne Fencing


Selbourne 225

Selbourne New fencing posts


Clearing fence line

Clearing fence line


Laying the Hedge

Laying the Hedge


Completed Hedge

Completed Hedge. Early 2016

New fencing material

New fencing material


Large Animal Shelter completed at Manor Farm

Large Animal Shelter completed at Manor Farm


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