School work

Event Details

Various grounds maintenance tasks at the Western School in Winchester.

1. Install 20 short posts around a wild-flower patch of grass. With rope “boundary”.

2. Patch repair the welded mesh fence we installed.

3. Replace a rotted fence post.

4. Some scrub clearance on the bank near the back gate. Bring pruning saws.

Please don’t arrive before 09:15, otherwise normal hours. Park on the grass on the right in 2 rows with a gap. We will take breaks in the gap between rows of cars.

Wear high viz waistcoats and yellow hard hats.

Derek will hobble out to see us at lunch time and provide sweet catering supplements.

Keep off our wild flower lawn. Western primary school Winchester.

And could you do another 5 posts please.

So neat you can hardly see where we’ve been.