Task will be putting a hoggin top on a dirt path NW of the Toplands carpark.
Starts ///stream.best.damp and ends ///every.trader.refuse
Week 1 will be mostly about preparation work.
Week 2 we will be joined by a volunteer group from Highways England who will be taking their skill-set back to square one as preparation for the Winall junction redevelopment.
Rod to set the pace.

Carefully aligning edge boards. RHCP June 2022

Task leader caught with his head down, working!

Working in teams, making good progress. RHCP June 2022.

Most of the gang at the end of the afternoon.

Our assistants hard at it.

Bernie and Iain supervised the grading team.

Fortunately full barrows were wheeled downhill.

Getting near the end. RHCP, July 2022. 120m of hoggin layed.

Ben wrestles with irregular piles of hoggin

Barry smoothes the path with a whacker stick.