Autumn work for National Trust in the Itchen Field.
Hazel coppicing and hedge thinning in week 1
Hedgelaying week 2 and another bonfire.
And put in half a dozen intermediate fence posts using Paul’s tools.
Meet on Kilmeston road through the gate.
Bring high viz waistcoat or similar.

Brian make a brash barrier to keep cars back.

End of day 1. Hinton Ampner, November 2022.

Hi-viz team working the road at Hinton Ampner, November 2022

… always a bonfire. (If only we had brooms to lean on!)

The inside view, end of day 1. 65m cleared, ready for laying.

Cowes-eye view

Site clear-up. Looking into the setting sun.

Paul puts in binders for the first time.

Bernie wouldn’t join the line-up.

The line-up of usual suspects

Close-up on neat style.
Well done guys.