A 3 week stint of coppicing at the back of beyond at Itchen Valley Country Park. Task leader Kevin. All power cutting tools on duty. All cut material to be stacked as a tall dead hedge around the coupe please. Logs stacked neatly.
Please try to arrive by 09.30 and park at the far end. Remember to get a parking permit before leaving your car. Tool trailer to stay on site between the 3 weeks.
Two photos at the end of day 1 …

Itchen Valley Country Park coupe

Panorama showing clearance and oak log clear-up.
More photos from day 2 …

Brick kiln area at start of day. Full of heavy oak boughs.

After clearing oak branches.

Kiln remains uncovered.

Dead hedge, Panorama.

Dead hedge, close-up.

We worked hard. Most folks not shown – but they were busy.
Day 3 photos below

Taking tools to the distant site.

Much fallen Willow cut and stacked.

SE corner cleared last.

Chainsaw maintenance.

Cleared panorama, centre looking West.

Cleared panorama, centre looking East.

Returning in style. Itchen Valley Country Park.