Coppicing in the NE of the Itchen Valley Country Park as we have done in previous years. Chainsaws on duty and stacking up of dead hedges. The Rangers at IVCP have asked us to change location and help out on the meadow at Hamble Common, an SSSI. This is the southern tip of Eastleigh Borough. […]

For Eastleigh BC, 2 weeks of fence renewal. Kevin leading. Work venue starts about 100m South of the small carpark. See the venue notes please. People bringing heavy equipment may park beyond the little carpark, in the track on the right where the road bears left.

For Eastleigh BC, 2 weeks of fence renewal. Kevin leading. Work venue starts about 100m South of the small carpark. See the venue notes please. People bringing heavy equipment may park beyond the little carpark, in the track on the right where the road bears left.