For Southern Sites at Hook adjacent to Workman’s Lane. JohnR as task leader. Three weeks clearing and burning scrub in an ungrazed nature corridor between the road and the pasture. Chainsaws required please and PPE for everyone as blackthorn predominates. The 400m long work location extends from West to East though we may not clear the […]
For Southern Sites at Hook adjacent to Workman’s Lane. JohnR as task leader. Three weeks clearing and burning scrub in an ungrazed nature corridor between the road and the pasture. Chainsaws required please and PPE for everyone as blackthorn predominates. The 400m long work location extends from West to East though we may not clear the […]
For Southern Sites at Hook adjacent to Workman’s Lane. JohnR as task leader. Three weeks clearing and burning scrub in an ungrazed nature corridor between the road and the pasture. Chainsaws required please and PPE for everyone as blackthorn predominates. The 400m long work location extends from West to East though we may not clear the […]
Removal of dead trees from the hedge line with a bonfire. Removal of stock fence adjacent to the road. (A contractor will be engaged to put in a new stock fence.) Dennis to bring farm Jack. Chainsaws on duty too please, where possible. Fence posts may be taken home as salvage or burned on the […]
This will be the 3rd week at the same venue, this time back at the East end of Workman’s Lane. Having finished the oak tree planting in the field we will continue the re-afforestation of Hook today. Martin has bought about 1500 hedging plants and would like us to plant them in the verge between […]
Return to the big field via the gate at the East end of Workman’s Lane. To install new fencing around islands of trees and shrubs on the left as you look into the field. Probably some old barbed wire to remove first. Task leader Kevin. Park in the field. Bring personal fencing tools if you […]
Return to the big field via the gate at the East end of Workman’s Lane. To install new fencing around islands of trees and shrubs on the left as you look into the field. Probably some old barbed wire to remove first. Geoff to lead. We now know that putting in posts here is hard […]
Return to the big field via the gate at the East end of Workman’s Lane. To install new fencing around islands of trees and shrubs on the left as you look into the field. Probably some old barbed wire to remove first. Geoff to lead. We now know that putting in posts here is hard […]
Two weeks of fencing somewhere along Workman’s Lane South of Warsash. Precise details to be confirmed.
Two weeks of fencing somewhere along Workman’s Lane South of Warsash. Precise details to be confirmed.